Thursday, January 12, 2012


'Auj bin Unuq adalah manusia yang berumur sehingga 4,500 tahun. Tinggi tubuh badannya di waktu berdiri adalah seperti ketinggian air yang dapat menenggelamkan negeri pada zaman Nabi Nuh a.s. Ketinggian air tersebut tidak dapat melebihi lututnya. Ada yang mengatakan bahawa dia tinggal di gunung. Apabila dia merasa lapar, dia akan menghulurkan tangannya ke dasar laut untuk menangkap ikan kemudian memanggangnya dengan panas matahari. Apabila dia marah atas sesebuah negeri, maka dia akan mengencingi negeri tersebut hinggalah penduduk negeri itu tenggelam di dalam air kencingnya.

Apabila Nabi Musa bersama kaumnya tersesat di kebun teh, maka 'Auj bermaksud untuk membinasakan Nabi Musa bersama kaumnya itu. Kemudian 'Auj datang untuk memeriksa tempat kediaman askar Nabi Musa a.s., maka dia mendapati beberapa tempat kediaman askar Nabi Musa itu tidak jauh dari tempatnya. Kemudian dia mencabut gunung-gunung yang ada di sekitarnya dan diletakkan di atas kepalanya supaya mudah untuk dicampakkan kepada askar-askar Nabi Musa a.s.
Sebelum sempat 'Auj mencampakkan gunung-gunung yang diunjung di atas kepalanya kepada askar Nabi Musa a.s, Allah s.w.t. telah mengutuskan burung hud-hud dengan membawa batu berlian dan meletakkannya di atas gunung yang dijunjung oleh 'Auj. Dengan kekuasaan Allah s.w.t., berlian tersebut menembusi gunung yang dijunjung oleh 'Auj sehinggalah sampai ke tengkuknya. 'Auj tidak sanggup menghilangkan berlian itu, akhirnya 'Auj binasa disebabkan batu berlian itu.

Dikatakan bahawa ketinggian Nabi Musa a.s adalah empat puluh hasta dan panjang tongkatnya juga empat puluh hasta dan memukulkan tongkatnya kepada 'Auj tepat mengenai mata dan kakinya. Ketika itu jatuhlah 'Auj dengan kehendak Allah s.w.t. dan akhirnya tidak dapat lari daripada kematian sekalipun badannya tinggi serta memiliki kekuatan yang hebat.

jumaat yang ditunggu-tunggu

Setiap kali hari jumaat, mood mesti jadi lain. Lebih segar, lebih ceria, lebih hepi,lebih seronok dan macam-macam lagi. Mungkin sebab jumaat hari yang dirasakan cukup pendek. Baru masuk opis, duduk sekejap dah kul 12. Keluar makan, duduk sekejap dah solat jumaat. Baru je terlelap semasa start khutbah(contoh yg tak elok), dah orang iqamah. Then sekejap je dah masuk balik opis. Bukak pc layan FB jap dah pukul 5. Masa untuk pulang. Begitulah rutin hari jumaat. Kalau dikampung aku, hari jumaat adalah hari paling meriah. Satunya pagi jumaat, hampir seluruk rakyat kelantan akan berkumpul di pusat bandar kota bharu untuk menonton konsert (tazkirah pagi jumaat) ayahanda tuk guru nik aziz. Aku macam biasa lah tak pernah join tapi keinginan tu ada. Biasanya pagi jumaat aku akan ke pasar tani dekat rumah aku. Meriah wooo....Biasanya sekali pergi habis dalam seratus ringgit. ...apa nak buat hujung minggu ni? sungai congkak bakal menanti....

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

a peaceful day of today

Selepas mengharungi beberapa minggu yang sibuk dengan first stage evaluation for my phd, baru hari ni rasa lega dan sedikit udara segar boleh masuk keparu-paru aku ni. Sebenarnya, jika kita mengurus diri dengan baik dan belajar menghargai masa yang ada, kehidupan kita akan jadi bertambah baik. Tapi disebabkan suka berlengah dan menangguh kerja, satu apa pun tak boleh. Last minit kerja memang terrible. Sedikit pengajaran for me, be prepared. So untuk hari nie boleh la aku ikut sedikit perkembangan dunia. Kes dato seri anwar, kes hassan ali dipecat dari PAS, kes gempa bumi di indonesia, kes dato' chong wei menang keatas lin dan( first time aku tgk lin dan begitu frust dengan kekalahan dan berputus asa) dan yang paling penting this week we have jump shonnen. That mean naruto, one piece dan bleach dah kembali.yuhuuu..boleh jugak aku tgk camana naruto lepaskan 4 tails, camana keadaan di new world dan apa jadi kat ichigo lepas lawan ngan ginjo...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Reasons for considering postgraduate study

I really enjoy my subject

This is a highly motivating reason to do a higher degree. It’s worth considering the long-term implications of your choice though. Does your choice of course fit in with your career plans? All further study programmes will enable you to develop skills that you could market to an employer but some will be of much more use to you than others.

I need it to pursue my chosen career

Some career areas do require a professional qualification, for example, law and teaching. For other employment areas a postgraduate qualification, although not essential, will provide a distinct advantage to applicants, particularly when competition for places is fierce. Research the area of work that interests you to identify whether a postgraduate course would be necessary or advantageous.

I want to convert to a new career area

Many postgraduate programmes provide a way of converting to a particular career area. These may be taught Masters or diploma/certificate qualifications.

It is also possible to convert to a new career area through employment. Many recruiters offer employment opportunities for graduates of any discipline and provide the relevant professional training.

I don’t know what to do - this will give me more time to decide

Past experience suggests undertaking a further year or more of study to get careers inspiration is not necessarily helpful. If you choose a course for this reason, it is important to use the time to actively research your options.

My tutors suggested I take this course

Students are sometimes offered postgraduate places by their tutors, possibly with funding attached. This can seem a very tempting offer but it does not mean it is the right option for you. Is the course or research programme of real interest to you and does it link with your career goals? Postgraduate study may be a good option but is staying at the same university the right choice?

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What do employers think about postgraduate study?

Some employers place great value in the advanced knowledge and skills developed in a postgraduate course. They may also conclude that doing further study demonstrates determination to succeed in the chosen career area and that the candidate is prepared to undertake further training.

However, for other employers a postgraduate degree may offer no advantage or have a negative impact. Some common employer concerns about candidates with postgraduate degrees include: specialisation and narrowness of interest; difficulties in integrating into a business environment; and unrealistic salary expectations.

Because of these differences of opinion, it is important to do as much research into your prospective employers as possible before enrolling.

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Researching your options

Have a look at explore types of jobs, job adverts and other literature from employers and professional bodies. Also talk to employers at fairs or other recruitment events.

Consider the following questions:

  • Is a postgraduate qualification essential or desirable?
  • Does the employer value relevant experience more than a postgraduate qualification?
  • Do they welcome qualifications from all institutions or are they only interested in select institutions?
  • Would having a postgraduate qualification place you ahead of candidates who hold only a bachelors level degree, or make-up for not possessing the necessary grades at A level or first degree level?
  • Would you receive a higher starting salary or advance more rapidly within the organisation with a postgraduate degree?